“He said to them, "It is not for you to know times
or epochs which the Father has fixed by His own authority ” Acts 1:7, Bible
The Earth given to a Human -
a Human the ruler of the Earth … Heaven - it is holy, mysterious, subtle … does
not and will not be any formula to find the entire plan of Heaven… Human
revealed the extent it is necessary to know …
Therefore, astrology and
science can not be... Astrology - it a Way, knowing more, - the road to Truth
- the path to self - the road to subtle, unknown world of the
Heavens ... the path to freedom of
consciousness ... way to free perception … The grace of heaven is not measured
in money - both the Human and the Heavens are holy works, and their value
depends only on the Heavens …
The Upper Zodiac seen
exclusively at the junction between any two marks our 12-ary zodiac. Zero
degrees of Sagittarius and Taurus - two points in which one comes into contact
with other Zodiac. The fact that these two zodiac, upper and lower contact at the
joint, at the junction of one character to another...
Each zodiac sign of the
second interfering in the first, and ideally would like pushing the limits of
the other sign. So, each sign of the zodiac the upper zone to 7.5 degrees from
the boundary of each character, ie to 15 degrees. They are also 12 characters...
Upper Zodiac fit in with our
two locations - at the point of Ophiuchus (between Scorpio and Sagittarius) and
the point of Cetus (between Aries and Taurus). Cetus - the latest sign of the
second zodiac sign of liberation from the chaos, a sign of alteration. The last
character - as well as in the lower zodiac - Pisces...
Only those people who have
signs at the border will be the core, consisting of 2 planets, one of which is
a minor, plus one of the luminaries, are members of another zodiac. But in
general it is considered that, apart from Ophiuchus, and Cetus, all the other
characters is a necessary condition, that there were planets. Yes, such people
will be very rare, but they can be...
People who have seen the
Upper Zodiac, will people like not of this world. To some extent our world is
for them, even alien...
Cepheus is a constellation
in the northern sky. It is named after Cepheus, King of Aethiopia in Greek mythology...
The stars of Cepheus form a
shape approximately like a box with a triangle on top. When fainter stars
visible to the naked eye are included, Cepheus can be interpreted as looking
like a king with a crown (upside down with respect to the ecliptic)..
From March 12, 2012, to March 27, 2012 the Sun will in the Cepheus Constellation ...
Upper Zodiac mystery ... It is border of the Pisces and the
Aries … this is spiritual - the
transformation time ... This is more of a spiritual transformation of human
life ... it's not physical life time ...
This time is also formed, and
"The Grand Earth Trine (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) ... but Trine involved
and Black Moon (Lilith) in Taurus ... This is a rather difficult situation ...
This is karma ...
March 12, 2012... Sun 22.5 degrees Pisces ......
March 27, 2012... Sun 7.5 degrees Aries ...
The Upper Zodiac - The First Sign
The First sign of the zodiac is the upper border of Pisces and Aries. It is named
after the most important instrument measuring time - its name - Clock. With the
hours, all starts. Is there any analog of the constellations in the sky? This
constellation Cepheus...
This is the most important
constellation, because it measures off the rhythm, sets the framework, with
associated initial job submission to the rhythm. Among these, visionaries, who
from the beginning know it will all end. Time folded and unfolded. People who
know how to live correctly in time.
Personally, for them - and turn loose concept. Clock, clockwork...
In the worst case, instead
of a human - a mechanism, a cyborg. This human is a machine for making a
subfolder of the program...
In the best case, this watch
is really divine mechanism, subordinate in all parts of the harmony of the
spheres, a human who understands the world in which lives a part of the
mechanism of which he is, and from him as from some kind of wheel in the
mechanism, depend on large processes. Well, and at worst, it is a cyborg, full
replacement "human" on machine... This zone of a cyborg is between the Aries and Pisces...
The new time, new time
cycles is connected with this sign. That is why mission of the Christ has
begun, when the epoch point passed from the Aries to Pisces. Just there
Heavenly Hours were showed, the New era has begun, time began to measure in a
new fashion. After all we now do not use old, pre-Christian time cycles. After
that time has as though begun new readout...
By the way, representatives
of this sign manage to begin a life with zero at any stage of a life. They can
stop hours, begin anew any cycles when it is necessary to them, to begin a life
with any reference point. And in it mission of Christianity which as religion
is very strongly fastened on constellation of Hours. It is not necessary to say
about religions that on an egregor they are fastened on signs on the bottom
zodiac. Most likely, they all the same are connected with signs on the top,
higher zodiac. Reflect over image of hours, over image of time...
However, here an image sand
or a water-clock which were called “clepsidr’s” earlier. These hours, with a
dial, with all mechanisms, it later the invention. In the ancient time used
water, solar and a sand-glass... And in
general, any device, any car which in a microstructure repeats the universe
plan, is a constellation of Clock, or Cepheus...
Einstein - Clock. He just also has invented the relativity theory, the first has
told that time - concept relative.
Salvador Dalli - the same. Its these fluid, floating hours - an own image.
Pretentiousness, the world real, and simultaneously the unreal. It also is
Clock - the first and simultaneously last zodiacal sign.
Dzhordano Bruno - preached plurality of the worlds, for the first time has put forward
idea of travel in time. First of all, Hours
at it, of course, between Pisces
and the Aries. Was born on March, 25th, 1548. The most typical
representative Clock.
Still, George Washington - opened a new era in the history of America, had
three planets on border of Pisces and the Aries...
This is the time - Vernal equinox -
First point (or cusp) of Aries...
Illumination of
Earth by the Sun at the March equinox.
On a day of the
equinox, the center of the Sun spends a roughly equal amount of time above and
below the horizon at every location on the Earth, night and day being of
roughly the same length...
ephemeris tables record the geographic position of the First Point of Aries as
the reference for position of navigational stars. Due to the precession of the
equinoxes, the astrological signs of the tropical zodiac where these equinoxes
are located no longer correspond with the actual constellations once ascribed
to them. The equinoxes are currently in the constellations of Pisces and the
Aries constellation...
At an equinox,
the Sun is at one of two opposite points on the celestial sphere where the
celestial equator (i.e. declination 0) and ecliptic intersect. These points of
intersection are called equinoctial points: classically, the vernal point and
the autumnal point. By extension, the term equinox may denote an equinoctial
point. ..An equinox happens each year at two specific moments in time (rather
than two whole days), when there is a location (the subsolar point) on the
Earth's equator, where the center of the Sun can be observed to be vertically
overhead, occurring around March 20 and September 22 each year...

Nuo 2012 m. kovo 12-osios iki kovo 27-osios Saulė Cepheus žvaigždyno misterijoje... Tai dvasinis -
transformacijos laikas... Tai yra daugiau dvasinės žmogaus gyvenimo
transformacijos laikas... tai ne fizinio gyvenimo aspektai... žmogui yra siunčiama
daugiau kentėjimo, emocijų... Tai yra Žuvų ir Avino zodiako siena...
Šiame laike taip pat susiformavo ir “ Didysis Žemės Trinas“ ( Tauras, Mergelė,
Ožiaragis) ... tačiau Trine dalyvauja ir
Juodasis Mėnulis (Lilit) Taure ... tai
gan sudėtinga situacija ... tai karma ...

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