2012 m. gegužės 26 d., šeštadienis

Symbols of the Sky – GEMINI

An infinite Universe does not consider the boundaries to the human mind - on the contrary, it encourages the mind to move. Human intelligence is aware of his own infinite, commensurate with their strength with an infinite Universe... 
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Philosophical ideas of the Zodiac

Zodiac system can serve as a creation of the natural structure of human knowledge, allowing to preserve the achievements of culture in mind and soul of the most accessible way (because it is inherent in our nature and is inherent in the psyche)...

Astrology is unique in that from ancient times to the present day is the only system so far that the same categories and describes the nature and culture: the external and internal plan of human life, both material and spiritual world. ...

Changing the signs of the zodiac is a sequential process of nature: and as successive pattern of thinking of people of different zodiacal types... Every period of life is repelled from the previous phase and tends to follow. The views of the Zodiac are linked the same logical chain of gradual transition from idea to idea, where one grows out of another...

The logic of the system itself is easy to learn Zodiac.... The signs are reckoned from the points of the vernal and autumnal equinox, winter and summer solstice. In each season, three characters: a cardinal or principal (the sign of the beginning of the season or will sign), sustained (middle of the season or a sign of feeling) and variable (the end of the season or a sign of intelligence). Will begins, the feeling continues, the mind changes. In addition, signs are divided into elements: fire (energetic), earth (material), air (intellectual) and water (emotional), which corresponds to the choleric temperaments, melancholic, sanguine and phlegmatic (the concept of temperaments have been introduced by Kant - based on traditional medieval images of the same elements).... 

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Philosophy of  Gemini   -  ORDER OF THE HEART

Gemini Zodiac

Taurus takes the task of creating a tool of the mind: that brilliantly uses the third sign of spring, the Gemini… Air sign of Gemini is close and accessible the intellectual process of learning (which represents the archetype of Mercury: the messenger of the gods - the language of God and numeracy) ... What does the image of the twins to understand the process of reflection? When the two mirrors placed opposite each other, reflected in each of them becomes infinite…

Spontaneous, curious intellect Gemini easily crushes the world apart. However, the philosophers among the most predictive sign of the zodiac is not so much. This is a sign of "reason" in the center of consideration puts the human ability to think in concepts and words. But, as a variable sign, he doubted it as a tool of cognition…

Analyzing the predictive process, psycho Gemini emphasizes the gap and opposed rational thought and life ... Spengler contrasts the "dead intelligence" civilization alive the spirit of the source ... This is also the central problem of philosophy, which speaks of the need to stop thinking: "The process of thought is constantly destroys love," calling to respond to the challenge of living action, and not the creation of ideas…

The idea of ​​analyzing the reality, but the analysis is the division, being the same integrity. How to link the whole of the pieces, bridge the gap between consciousness and being (which identifies the sign of Taurus  agnosticism)? .. Gemini is the key to link things together - and an invisible background of their separate existence of the external acts as God or cosmic consciousness ... The philosophy of Gemini: Zodiac sign of the non-believer - has a religious tinge ..

Following Gemini said, the highest relationship is love - and only an inspired mind thinks really well. Limiting the ability of intelligence, philosophers twins indicate that the analysis of the mental world is empty sophistry, unless it is filled with a conscious desire to bring up the idea of absolute values​​, if he was not breathing relationship with the eternal. Contemporary ideas of philosophers of the Gemini makes them prophets, taken at the time…

Yet the philosophy of religion is different from the movement of thought. Even questioning the activities of the mind, it is in a perpetual search for new, contemporary and modern thought forms, not allowing the mind to find peace among the old, frozen dogmas. The idea there is a connection that twins are looking for: even denying himself the paradoxes of the mind, it connects us to the scattered pieces of time and space, trying to rebuild things in mind so that the order of thought coincided with the truth of the structure being…

At a time when this happens, the thought of human is a cosmic consciousness: from which, according to Eastern philosophical traditions, the world is created. Microcosm of the macrocosm is likened by sending us to the ancient mythologem first human, equal to the universe (the Indian Purusha, Chinese Pan-gu, Scandinavian. Ymir: name is derived from the root IU yemo - "twin")…

The restructuring of the natural order of things, which makes the human intellect, like the mythological image of the twins, came down from the world of the gods on a deserted Earth to establish her ​​world, different from before… In mythology, the archetype of the twins: the first people who left the world of the gods to create your own, and ancestor-trickster, close to them in violation of the taboo of the function, expressed in the eyes of human himself: his ability, inability, knowledge-ignorance, as well as awareness of their power and omnipotence - the same equality of the gods… Basing on the hermeneutical method of communication (no accident associated with the name of Hermes, messenger of the gods)...

The image of the god of intellectual function is often emphasized stealth and deception (as Hermes, barely born, stole cattle from Apollo, and refused to acknowledge his guilt). But he is the patron saint of knowledge and a guide to another world. So the language deceives us: the idea expressed is a lie, and intelligence have always gives a partial cross-section of reality. But the mind, like language, saves it, serves as a mediator between the familiar, profane, human and higher, sacred, divine reality...

He is building a new space of consciousness and return people to their new way of life and thought, unity with the original Being, from which they departed... To make the creation of an irreversible, the idea persists as memory, as a reflection point in time, rods of which is ourselves. And there is our identity as not only as a memory, but also the variability of time, merging with them in managing life's changes. Thought denies any resistance to be alive - and therefore herself, too…

Philosophy of Gemini - the study of modern and familiar to us in search of the intellectual process that goes beyond it. In this sense, the doctrine remains relevant today, which speaks of the need to stop thinking because of its constant flight from itself to the phenomena of external reality…

Stopping thinking it is a meeting with him - the truth of God's consciousness (and for a human - with his heart, with the "higher self", with his twin alter-ego.). Any abstract idea is this meeting, but the idea of ​​forming a circuit at a more rapid than the natural course of the life process (and thus distorted). Ideally the meeting should be a little flash of insight (as a short circuit of wires a small chain), but stop at a common consciousness of mankind - the union of all (and this is the point of failure on my own partiality, and his thoughts, religious sacrifice)…

On this, as the highest goal, dreamed of a representative of the previous sign: in the words of the new stage of evolution of the Earth, which changes its shell. But the sign of Gemini is a household refers to the mechanisms of thought, a better understanding them and making the sacred profane, and vice versa. In twins can say that this would help stop the manifestation of truths and reboot the human mind to the rhythm of a clearer perception of mechanisms structure of the world…

Since the sign of Gemini goes to the eternal relationships of the world…

The idea -  Design for your heart and soul…

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GEMINI  -  May 21 to June  21

"This morning when I woke up, I at least knew who I was, but I think that since I changed a few times."

Gemini is the third of the twelve signs of zodiac...It is the sign of the Twins, is ambivalent, complex, ambiguous and mysterious...The sign is related with Mercury, the planet of youth... People, born under the Gemini zodiac sign are active, and cheerful… They take up new activities passionately...They are loving, polite, kind and openhanded… Gemini are very autonomous.. .Modification and liberty are extremely important to them…

Symbol:   Gemini Symbol
Sign name:  Gemini
Ruler: Mercury
Mode: Mutable
Element: Air
Alchemy: Fixation
Animal: Magpie
Birthstone: Tourmaline, Topaz, Agate
Body Part: Lungs, Arms, Hands
Colour: Orange
Day: Wednesday
Meridian: Liver
Metal: Quicksilver, Electrum
Plant: Orchid
Tree: Hazel, Almond

Dualistic. Instinctual mind. Facile intelligence. Dexterity. Mimicry…

Most will agree that Geminis have a dual nature and that they are complex and contradictory…
Although they may have a difficulty in making decisions, they are totally adaptable and flexible. Generally they like to change and to discover new ‘games’. For them, life is a never-ending game where new ‘toys’ must be found from time to time…One significant quality they have is their ability to perform multiple tasks simultaneously… Most Geminis will develop many different interests and hobbies throughout their lives…

Although their outward characteristics make them look unreliable, Geminis can be very successful in many aspects of their life. Some common occupations Geminis have are: diplomats, politicians, lawyers, journalists and preachers…

THE BODY - THE ZONE OF GEMINI -   Shoulders, arms, hands …    


HEALTH - Gemineans should guard their health jealously as it easily suffers under even the least strain. The most likely illnesses in such circumstances are bronchitis, pneumonia and other chest problems. Gemini people who feel unwell must never delay seeing the doctor because of work pressures… Autonomic nervous system, bronchi, lungs, hands (TREM), neuroses and sleep disturbances, impaired speech. Moon is abiding in this sign can also give problems with the excess of male hormones, which can lead to frustration in women the ovaries. Transit, that is, passing the moon, of course, calls to avoid transactions with related organs of speech, the lungs and bronchi…

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The Angel … Angel Ambriel - Ambriel is the name of an angel...  Some believe that an angel presides over each sign of the zodiac, and Ambriel is associated with the sun sign of Gemini and the month of May...

In the Zoroastrian hierarchy of angels Gemini governs Bahram - the Angel of Victory ... Bahram will help to overcome obstacles and cope with their responsibilities. With the help of Twins overcome all obstacles, all the tests they are on the shoulder…

The Guardian Angels ... "See, I am sending an angel before you, to guard you on the way and bring you to the place I have prepared. Be attentive to him and heed his voice. Do not rebel against him, for he will not forgive your sin. My authority resides in him."  (Ex 23:20-21, Bible)

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Gemini  human lives from 14 to 21 years of age

Read here: "Philosophy of Human Age (Mysterious Cycles of Life)"

Read here: “Energy essence of the Zodiac (Gemini)

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Constellation of   Gemini


"At the end of three months we set sail on an Alexandrian ship which had wintered at the island, and which had the Twin Brothers for its figurehead." Acts 28:11, Bible


Heavenly Twins... In the constellation of Gemini's two brightest stars are located very close to one another. The name of the constellation is named after the brothers of the Argonauts Dioscuri - Castor and Pollux...

It's the twins, the father of the god Zeus and his mother - the earth's frivolous beautiful Leda, and their sister Helen was the instigator of the Trojan War epic. Castor was famous as an unsurpassed charioteer and Pollux gained fame undefeated pugilist...

The brothers participated in the hunt and hike calydonian Argonauts. But it so happened that the Dioscuri had a falling out, not divided the prey, with their cousins​​, giant Linkeem and Idasa. In the battle with the twin brothers have received many wounds, and when Castor died from his injuries, the immortal Pollux did not want to part with her beloved brother, and asked the god Zeus, not to separate them...

By the will of Zeus, since the brothers spend six months in the dark underworld of Hades, and six months - the divine Olympus. There are periods when the dawn is visible star Castor, and the darkening evening - Pollux. Probably, this fact has led to the emergence of the legend of the twins, then living in the realm of the dead, the immortal in the sky...

Gemini Dioscuri from ancient times were considered the patrons of sailors caught in the storm of the test. And the appearance on the rigging of ships before the storm "St. Elmo's Fire" was considered a meeting of Gemini, and their sister Helen. In reality, the "St. Elmo's fire" - a sparkling discharges of atmospheric electricity, resulting in the sharp-pointed objects, such as the tops of the masts, and so reyah Also, the Dioscuri were worshiped as guardians of the country's stability and patrons ceremonies of hospitality. In ancient Rome, a silver coin minted "Dioscuri" featuring the stars of the twin...

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Other constellations in the Zodiac Gemini:

Read here: “ Orion constellation (The Hunter)“

Read here: “Constellation PHALLIC (14th Zodiacal Constellation)”

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Myths and Legends


Gemini is a zodiacal constellation representing the twin brothers Castor and Pollux. Both were mothered by Leda, and were therefore brothers of Helen, but they had different fathers: In one night, Leda was made pregnant both by Jupiter in the form of a swan and by her husband, the king Tyndarus of Sparta. Pollux, as the son of a god, was immortal and was renowned for his strength, while his mortal brother Castor was famous for his skill with horses. Both brothers voyaged in search of the Golden Fleece as Argonauts, and then fought in the Trojan War to bring their sister home to her husband Menelaus. They are traditionally depicted as armed with spears and riding a matched pair of snow-white horses...

The most common explanation for their presence in the heavens is that Pollux was overcome with sorrow when his mortal brother died, and begged Jupiter to allow him to share his immortality. Jupiter, acknowledging the heroism of both brothers, consented and reunited the pair in the heavens...

Castor and Pollux were unique among those placed in the sky in that they are not represented merely as a constellation but as actual stars which mark the twin's heads in the constellation. Castor is bright white binary star, while Pollux is orange. They may be found between Cancer and Taurus...

Often, the birth of twins in the family was seen as a sign of divine intervention. For a long time these babies were trying to find a manifestation of supernatural abilities. They are often regarded by healers, the advocate, the sages and scholars. Pueblo Indians revered heroes twins - the embodiment of the gods in the morning and night. They presented them to the messengers of heaven, creators of social renewal, the liberators of mankind from evil and decadence...

A unique phenomenon: the birth of twins at the same time often causes surprise, admiration and respect. In them, many people wanted to see the expression of duality, dualism, where a is the exact opposite of the other. As a result, the sign of Gemini began to express opposition in the face of uncontrollable one and the same person. Perhaps this is a tribute to the memory of Abel and Cain. Apollo and Diana, or any other legendary pair of antagonistic traits. But remember that the twins Castor and Pollux were fraternal ...

In the Bible, Cain and Abel  are two sons of Adam and Eve...


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Age of  Gemini

Simplistically, astrological era - a long period of time (about 2160 years) during which the vernal equinox (the location of the sun at the equinox) is projected onto a certain zodiac constellation…

 The precession of the Earth's axis causes a constant movement of the vernal equinox along the ecliptic at a rate of 50.3 arcseconds per year, at some point, it defines the transition from one zodiac constellation to another. Not to be confused with the constellations of the zodiac signs ... not to buy into on a regular basis makes the "discovery" in astrology. The signs are reckoned from the vernal equinox is always equal in length (30 degrees), and moved behind her, along with the change of eras…Change of epochs is not overnight, not instantaneously, but in historical terms this is a rapid, revolutionary process. Visible beginning of an era that accounts for the transition period, when it collected quantitative changes in culture are transformed into a new quality - the era realized…

THE AGE OF GEMINI  … The period between the VI and IV millenniums BC. Oe. - The era of the Gemini - is characterized by expansion of communication between people and their intellectual development. With the invention of writing in the first place nominated contact. First, people cut out the word-symbols on the stone, and then came the era of cuneiform writing invented by the Sumerians. At the same time the Chinese came up with his writing. Thus facilitating a way to preserve and pass on ideas that contributed to the development of crafts, the emergence of new ideas and strengthen relations between peoples. All the more in-depth research pushed the boundaries unknown. This contributed to the flourishing trade in the first place necessary for social progress. People have learned to open themselves to new skills and increase, in spite of the difficulties and dangers of life…

The era has brought the development of language, pictographic and hieroglyphic writing. Opposite sign Gemini Sagittarius promoted first base libraries. It was then realized the need to record and store information. In an era of Gemini invent the wheel (Gemini - a sign of movement) and the first child of civilization - the city, and people began to explore not only the family but also the social forms of life (Gemini - communicative sign) ....

 In this age of growing religious pantheon of Mayan Indians…


God said:  "To you, Gemini, I give the questions without answers, so that you can bring the whole understanding of what a human sees around him… You'll never know why people say or listen to - but in his search for answers you will find My Gift of Knowledge. "

And Gemini stepped back into place...  


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Begalinė Visata nesvarsto sienų į žmogišką protą - priešingai, ji  drąsina protą judėti. Žmogaus intelektas žino savo proto galimybes, ir  yra atitinkamas savo jėga su begaline Visata…  
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Dievas pasakė:    "Jums, Dvyniams, aš duodu klausimus be atsakymų, kad jūs galėtumėte turėti visą supratimą to, ką žmogus mato aplink save… Jūs niekada nežinosite, kodėl  žmonės kalba arba  klauso - bet dėl paieškos atsakymų, jūs gausite  Mano  Žinių dovaną."
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“Po trijų mėnesių mes išplaukėme žiemojusiu saloje Aleksandrijos laivu, kuris turėjo Dvynių (Dioskūrų) ženklą”  Apaštalų darbai 28,11 Biblija

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2012 m. gegužės 18 d., penktadienis

Constellation PHALLIC (14th Zodiacal Constellation)

"As for you, be fruitful and multiply ; Populate the earth abundantly and multiply in it."  Genesis 9:7, Bible


From May  12, 2012, to May  28, 2012  the Sun will in  the Orion Constellation ... This is the exam time  - moving from Taurus into Gemini  Zodiac ..   It is border of the Taurus  and the Gemini … But there is also a searchable  missing (Stolen) zodiacal constellation Phallus

   Read here: Orion constellation (The Hunter) 

Myths, stars, constellations

Myth of Osiris, Seth, Chorea, Nephthys, Isis, etc. recorded image-symbolic language of spiritual and religious teachers. This knowledge, passed down by word of mouth from teacher to student, and when the student becomes a teacher himself, he passed these secret knowledge to his disciple or disciples. So from generation to generation, through the mouth on this knowledge came to Imhotep. Comprehensive answer in the book of R. Bauval was not found. For it is not know for sure in what constellation could be projected heroes of ancient Egyptian myths. Clear to us just what Orion Osiris symbolized, but what constellations portrayed Seth and Horus - is still unknown… Although we have learned that the star Aldebaran (Alpha Taura) is a symbol of Set, and the star 311 (Epsilon Taura) symbolizes the Left Eye of Horus (see Gore and himself)… Head of Taurus could immediately symbolize Seth and Horus, as in Egypt is a fresco, "Seth Gordon" - the total body with two heads of Horus and Seth (Fig. 103 from the book Mouat Abhayya Ashby's "The Resurrection of Osiris')…

To the myths of Osiris, Seth, Grief, Isis, etc. gained clarity in understanding, we turn to ancient times when the point of equinox passed from the constellation Gemini is the constellation Taurus… That is, we look at the era around 4500 BC, bearing in mind the fact that the union of Egypt occurred around 3100 BC by Pharaoh Menes…

In this era are the ecliptic was divided into 12 parts, ie the twelve zodiac houses (zodiac signs)… Although every astrologer and astronomer knows that this belt is not the ecliptic is divided into twelve houses, and thirteen. Namely: the twelve constellations of added another - the constellation Ophiuchus, which is located between the Sagittarius and Scorpio. In the modern era in this place the sun as it "dies" in the northern hemisphere in winter… It turns out that in those ancient times are not the ecliptic was divided into twelve or thirteen, and fourteen parts, ie by 14 constellations, which created the Zodiacal circle. Perhaps this comes from the fact that the moon was another period of revolution around the earth and the earth was not the year of 13 months and from 13-14 months…


It turns out that the constellation Scorpius and Sagittarius ousted from the zodiac constellation of Ophiuchus…


We found that Ophiuchus was replaced by Sagittarius and Scorpio of the zodiac, then, exactly on the opposite side of the ecliptic belt should occur similar to "bargain"… And this deal made a Gemini and Taurus, displacing the Zodiac constellation, which was the third if you count from Aries - the first constellation in the zodiac… But after the killing of this constellation the third became the Gemini…

14th Zodiacal Constellation…

But the myth of Osiris hacked, dismembered into fourteen pieces by his brother Seth … which became the then reign as long as the court of the gods (ennead) did not give this power to Gore, the son of Isis and Osiris, as the heir apparent…


What does the this fourteenth Zodiacal House?... We see that this House should be associated with Osiris, who was killed by Seth…

Based on an ancient Egyptian myth, we learn that Osiris was originally a god of fertility and only in the later versions became the god of the Sun, it is merged with the god Ra… God of fertility annually dies, but then again, reborn… This period as a time and age is associated with about 4,500 BC, when, during the equinox the sun was in the fourteenth Zodiac House… hence, the Earth was springtime, everything bloomed, was green, that is, Osiris was reborn after death - the winter period (Aquarius and Pisces)… And when it was the autumnal equinox (Sagittarius and Scorpio), then Osiris "dying"…

What could symbolize Osiris in the starry sky in a place where there was a constellation of the fourteenth, if the first constellation of Gemini is considered?... Recall that Osiris - the god of fertility, like the gods Amsu, Ming or Mena - ichi phallic (with rearing a phallus)…  

Here is the answer! It turns out that in a symbolic way of Osiris in the starry sky can be rampant phallus…. Thanks to the program brought to print the starry sky era 4534 BC, when, during the vernal equinox the sun after the constellation Gemini was part of the constellation of the Phallus…

Now, this constellation is missing, because the phallus is a secret (esoteric) key, which enables a person to be transformed into a god, even the Son of God… Look at picture, make sure personally that really existed such a fourteenth Zodiac constellation, which is now subdivided into four parts, the constellations Gemini, Orion, Taurus and Auriga…  

Here you have the symbolic crucifixion of Osiris (the phallus) on the cross on the four sides: north, south, east and west….


That is why Osiris dies, dismembered into fourteen parts, ie zodiac is divided into fourteen constellations… and only thirteen parts of the body of Osiris was found, ie, there were thirteen constellations of the zodiac… A fourteenth part of the body of Osiris - the phallus was not found, as the star of this constellation were divided among themselves the constellations Gemini, Orion, Taurus and Auriga…  

Not accidentally Wallis Budge intuitively predicts that "the body of Osiris was cut into fourteen or fifteen pieces", and in fact in the contour of this constellation is just 14-15 and includes stars…

Constellation Phallus - the symbol of earthly king Osiris - just located in the Milky Way, which again confirms the myth of Osiris travels to other countries … as well as the Milky Way passes as the northern hemisphere and the southern… Osiris and then traveled in the northern countries from Egypt, and in the south, not to mention the east and west, because there was Osiris - symbolizing the movement of the sun on the ecliptic…


We really want to know how the starry sky reflected cryptic information about the battle of Horus and Seth, during which ..” Gore cried because he lost an eye, Seth cried, because I lost the testes, and jumped an eye of Horus ... on the wings of Thoth, on the side creeping flow on the eastern side of the sky..” (Pyramid Texts, 594-6)…


Now we have to find the sky of the protagonist of all the myths of Ancient Egypt - Thoth the wise (Teghout), which at the time of the Ptolemies would be magnified by Thoth Hermes Trismegistus… Looking again at the starry sky, near the constellations of the Phallus, Eye of Horus, Taurus, Orion, Canis Minor, and Canis Major  found no contender for the role of Thoth, but the constellation of Gemini… and hence it should symbolize the image of the god… And the word "Thoth", with two letters "t" indicates the image of the divine twins, who appear in myth as a person…


God Thoth is not by chance came to be called Hermes Trismegistus, because Hermes is also associated with the constellation of Gemini… and Gemini in the starry sky has the image of two columns-Germ, the phallus… After all, the Greeks Hermes was initially chaired by a phallic deity, depicted Germ…

Herm - a symbol of the god Hermes - was a pillar with a carved head of Hermes and accentuated the sexual organs, that is, with a rearing phallus… It turns out that Hermes in the starry sky had his house on the ecliptic - the constellation of the Phallus… And in Egypt belonged to a constellation of Osiris. But as Osiris was slain, the star and the Phallus was dismembered and how would disappear in the sky with the ecliptic, and hence the House of Hermes, also disappeared… Part of the Phallus star went to the constellation Gemini, and Hermes was the patron this constellation, the constellation of Gemini is more than something like columns, pillars, Germ-phallus… Therefore, the god Thoth and Hermes, with wings with winglets is the constellation Gemini…

Looking at the starry sky, where there was a constellation Phallus, we now becomes clear why the phallus of Osiris is not found, and why he ate three fish… Three fish - this is the three constellations: Gemini, Auriga and Taurus - who grabbed his star from the constellation of the Phallus… Residues from this Phallus moved into the constellation of Orion, Horus, who is resurrected Osiris, and this revival of Orion-Osiris, a new golden phallus - three stars in Orion's belt as a symbol of the three lost pieces from the constellation of the Phallus…


God Thoth is the god Hermes, and found a house in the constellation Gemini, and how the main characters of star myths have gone into the shadows, disappeared and became esoteric teachers of mankind, for the doctrine of the phallus, as a mysterious key in acquiring divine Sana'a … was earthly humanity has been lost, and the science of transforming sexual energy into spiritual, divine remained only in the Initiates…

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In the “Book of the Dead " CXLIX (149) was probably the last - This chapter provides drawings of fourteen Aata - Star homes in the zodiac, in which the gods lived… just as the god Osiris lived in the constellation of the Phallus in the fourteenth Zodiac House…

Though it is necessary to assume that the zodiacal house had a serial number one, because Egypt after the great catastrophe around 5508 BC (The Bible) as the country began to revive civilization in the era of the Phallus ...

Since the whole earth after the great catastrophe began to gradually come to life again, in the era of the Phallus in the world to different nations came (born) spiritual teachers - the sons of God, - people who carried the doctrine of "sexy" as the doctrine of growth and reproduction through fertilization insemination… That is why in the Bible and said: "Grow and multiply', or: "Be fruitful and multiply."…

This teaching on sexuality was a secret, esoteric and settled in religious temples. This knowledge and possession of Imhotep, and becoming the Hierophant, the great initiate, recorded his teachings as the path of initiation of the student and to the Hierophant (the son of God)… This doctrine is in part preserved in various sources. One of these sources is “Book of the Dead”…

The similarity of the images of the sun-god Osiris, and lead to their merger into one deity, especially the strong similarity between them was during the era of the Phallus, as we have said, when the House of the Sun (Hathor) was in the constellation of the phallus in a thousand years…


Giant columns, phalluses in honor of this era occurred in different peoples throughout the world. All cities Egypt, with temples, and columns are both symbols of the phallus… It was found a gigantic statue of Mina pre-dynastic period, which was originally a height of about four meters… In Greece, the phallic cult was connected with the god Hermes, whose image in the stone displayed the fourteenth (the first) the constellation of the Phallus. Only in 415 BC herms (phallus) were destroyed, and in Roman times herms lost touch with phallic worship of Hermes… In India there is an iron pillar, and the Temple of Love, as witnesses to the Age of the Phallus of Osiris. Lord Shiva as the god Osiris, and loses, loses the phallus, and then re-acquires…. The cult of the phallus in Japan is celebrated to this day…. Archaeologists in different areas at different peoples discovered the menhirs (bretonsk. “tall stones") to 20 meters in height, which resemble pillars or stelae, and that is the symbol of the phallus, as a reflection of the stellar Age… And in America, both North and South, you can find similar phallic structures. Even Easter Island is replete with giant stone idols that resemble phalluses in human form. A round stone hats with these idols, and is a symbol of the sun stay in the House Star Phallus….

An abundance of phallic columns, megaliths, menhirs, sculptures can not just be all over the earth… For all that should be preceded by a bright splash caused by the heavenly way… Yes, joining the Sun in the constellation of the phallus is the factor that prompted all the nations of the earth on a physical level, capture the Union


So, Osiris (Asar) appears before us as "the essence of the Hidden Reality of All Things," in three forms: Starry sky, zodiacal circle, and the constellation of the Phallus (involving a life and death, and rebirth in the constellation Orion), just as Sun God is manifested in three persons: Khepera (sunrise), Ra (noon) and Atum (sunset), carrying the life and death, and rebirth…

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   Read here :   Energy essence of the Zodiac